Announcement : 

Reminder to all parents re picking up of students March 25.docx


Cannons Creek School
School Newsletter
At Cannons Creek School we CARE

Week 5 Term 4 2024

Kia ora,  Talofa Lava,  Kia orana,  Malo ni,  Marhaba,  Fakalofa atu,  Bula,  Mingalaba, Namaste, Nyob zoo, Vanakkam,  Mga Pagbati

Principal’s Message

Kia ora

Our students have been busy and many have had the opportunity to participate in interschool events. This has included sports like Ki-o-rahi and a technology challenge, EPro-8. Thanks to parents who have made it along to support and encourage.

We had a very productive Teacher Only Day on Friday, thank you to whanau for accomodating that.

Work on the Rangituhi block which includes our office and library is nearing completion, we know think we will be moving back in at the end of term.

Tui Kie Tonga, our long time office and library assistant as well as Duffy Co-ordinator, is retiring this term. We will miss her but know she is looking forward to more time with whanau and friends.

Ngā mihi

Katrina Day

Support Services

We are very fortunate to have the support of a number of services here at school, this includes our Awhi Mai Awhi Atu Wellbeing Specialist, Jenny Gosnell.

Jenny is here four days a week and is able to work with individual students, classes and whanau. As with all our support services she will only work directly with individual students with parental permission.


We aim for every child to have attendance of 90% or more. You can view your child’s attendance rate on the Hero app. Unfortunately our school van is out of commission for the next few weeks so we are unable to support with transport this term.

What’s happening?

Term 4

Weekly Events

Monday: Kapa Haka (whole school) 

Tuesday: Te Reo Maori

Wednesday: Gagana Samoa, Swimming, Homework Club 3:00-4:00

Thursday: Garden to Table, Te Reo Maori Kuki Airani

Friday: Gagana Tokelau, Assembly (11am), Boxing (Year 5-6)

Upcoming Events

Week 5:

Wednesday 12 November: Interschool Athletics

Thursday 13 November: Junior Zoo Trip

Week 6: 

Tuesday 19 November: Road Patrollers Movie Trip

Wednesday 20 November: Homework Club Zoo Trip

Week 7:

Tuesday 26 November: Senior Beach safety Trip

Week 8:

Tuesday 3 December: Board Meeting 6pm

Week 9:

Thursday 12 December: Leaver’s Dinner and Prizegiving

Friday 13 Decenber: Whole School Pool Trip

Week 10: 

Tuesday 17 December: Final Assembly 10:30 School finishes 12:30


Friday 31 December: Office Open 8:30 – 3:00

Week 1: 

Monday 3 February: School starts 9am

Thursday 6 February: Waitangi Day

 Classroom Names

A few years ago we developed a school pepeha to reflect our local community. Students then investigated the plants and wildlife in these environments, it was from this enquiry that our classroom names were selected. Our “Rangituhi” building has three spaces named after our local maunga environment, Mokomoko, a gecko; Kawakawa, a tree and medicinal plant and Ruru, a morepork.


Nau mai, Haere mai, Welcome:

We are pleased to welcome Chris who has come from Nuanua Kindergarten to join his older brothers and sister. Also Joyce who has transferred from Corinna School and Sakiasi and Ripine who have arrived from Samoa.



Recently we had two teams participate in a Ki-o-rahi tournament at Ascot Park. Also two teams competed in an EPro-8 competition at Brandon -they had to design and build a functional scooter and can rightly be very proud of their efforts.

 Supporting Learning

You can help your child’s learning every day, by supporting and encouraging them and being excited by their learning. Here are some ideas to keep them developing their reading skills at home. 

Reading aloud to your child regularly will help them become great readers and listeners.

Reading aloud enables your child to experience books too difficult for them to read themselves. As they become better readers and start reading independently, they will still enjoy you reading to them.

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