Announcement : 

Reminder to all parents re picking up of students March 25.docx


Cannons Creek School
School Newsletter
At Cannons Creek School we CARE

Week 9 Term 4 2024

Kia ora,  Talofa Lava,  Kia orana,  Malo ni,  Marhaba,  Fakalofa atu,  Bula,  Mingalaba, Namaste, Nyob zoo, Vanakkam,  Mga Pagbati

Principal’s Message

Kia ora

We are so nearly at the holiday break, and so very close to getting our Rangituhi building back. I had really hoped this newsletter would be confirming the dates that we would move back in but still a little more patience required.

The end of the year is a chance for us all to reflect on and celebrate progress and prepare for changes and more opportunities for progress next year. This week we will hold our Leaver’s Dinner and Prizegiving to acknowledge our Year 6’s as they head off to new challenges and opportunities at Intermediate.

The following week we will hold our final assembly where we will celebrate the hard work of our students with class awards and acknowledge staff who are also moving to new schools to take on new challenges. Notably we will be farewelling Miss Holden who has been here for 33 years and taught so many in our community.

We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday break, and we look forward to seeing you all again in February.

Ngā mihi

Katrina Day

Support Services

Kia Ora, Bula Vinaka, Hello,

My name is Jenny and I work for Awhi Mai Awhi Atu as the Wellbeing Specialist for Cannons Creek School.

I grew up in Paraparaumu and now live in Porirua with my husband and children. I have also lived in America and Fiji and love to travel and eat food from around the world. I enjoy spending time in nature, tramping and swimming with my family. I am a registered educational psychologist and have over 15 years’ experience working with children and their support networks to find ways to thrive and achieve success. I am passionate about celebrating the little successes in the mundane as I believe these add up to good days. With good days we can reach for our goals and achieve.


I can work individually with students and/or whānau, with groups, or with staff, to help you understand and deal with any issues or problems you may be experiencing. By working with you from a holistic view, I can help you to develop the necessary coping skills and provide the right support, advice and guidance to increase the chances of being the best version of yourself. If you would like to know more about Awhi Mai Awhi Atu you can visit Awhi Mai Awhi Atu – Wellbeing Support in Schools – HealthCare NZ. If you’d like to make a time to chat you can email me at or text/phone/WhatsApp me on 022 201 77545. Or feel free to pop into my office on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays.



We aim for every child to have attendance of 90% or more. You can view your child’s attendance rate on the Hero app.

No student managed 100% this year but great to see 4 students who had attendance for the full year of 98%:

  • Tiare Grundy
  • Wilson Williams
  • Kaio Sitagata
  • Cruzito Pereira

What’s happening?

Term 4

Weekly Events

Monday: Kapa Haka (whole school) 

Tuesday: Te Reo Maori

Wednesday: Gagana Samoa

Thursday: Garden to Table, Te Reo Maori Kuki Airani

Friday: Gagana Tokelau

Upcoming Events

Week 9:

Thursday 12 December: Leaver’s Dinner and Prizegiving

Friday 13 December: Whole School Pool Trip

Week 10: 

Tuesday 17 December: Final Assembly 10:00 – 11:00am

                                      School finishes 12:30pm


Wednesday 29 January : Office Open 8:30 – 3:00pm

Week 1: 

Monday 3 February: School starts 9am

Thursday 6 February: Waitangi Day


Now that we reach the end of the school year we farewell our Year 6 students as they head off to Intermediate along with Miss Holden, Mr Casey, Whaea Ura and Matua Doug as they take up positions at other schools.  


Last week we held an afternoon of fun activities to acknowledge Tui’s retirement.

Recently our two senior classes participated in a Beach Safety course run by local lifeguards at Titahi Bay Surf Club. Great fun and very informative, our students gained increased understanding of both the beach and the work of lifeguards.

 Supporting Learning

You can help your child’s learning every day, by supporting and encouraging them and being excited by their learning.

A few ideas for the holiday break might be:

– visit the local library

– keep a journal of their holiday

– a bus trip to Titahi Bay and play at the beach

– back yard camping

– mini-master chef, get the kids involved in the baking

– make some playdough together 

– water fight

– create a backyard obstacle course

Relax, have fun, and remember learning happens through play and conversation not just books.

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