Announcement : 

Please remember that all students have swimming on Wednesday, so they need to bring their togs and towels.


Cannons Creek School
School Newsletter
At Cannons Creek School we CARE

Week 5 Term 1 2025

Kia ora,  Talofa Lava,  Kia orana,  Malo ni,  Marhaba,  Fakalofa atu,  Bula,  Mingalaba, Namaste, Nyob zoo, Vanakkam,  Mga Pagbati

Principal’s Message

Kia ora

It has been a busy start to 2025 with new enrolments, new staff and some renewed, refreshed rooms. Our office is back in our refurbished “Rangituhi” building and we are steadily moving back into our library, hoping to have that fully up and running for Term 2.

Thanks to all our whanau for working with our new system regarding entry and exit to the school. There is now much less congestion along the driveway to Nuanua Kindergarten. This week you may also notice some new signs out (one is pictured below), please no parking on yellow lines or in the office area of our school carpark. We are not looking to police parking we just want to do all that we can to keep our students safe. 

Sadly I have been asked to pass on the following message 

Quite often you will see the dental vans in your tamariki’s primary schools and also out in the community doing their great mahi. Many tamariki benefit from this service which is free.
This year, these dental vans have been broken into and damaged twice! These acts are senseless and purposeless as whatever the perpetrators are looking for is obviously not there. Nothing gets taken but the costs to repair takes from our tamariki who need this service.
Please, help us to help our community keep this service safe and protected for all our children’s needs

Ngā mihi

Katrina Day


All classes have swimming lessons on Wednesday afternoon. We consider this a vital skill for all Kiwi kids and an important part of our school curriculum. Please make sure your child comes with their togs and towel.

The junior classes would welcome any parent help so please see your child’s teacher if you have time available.


In 2024 our attendance data was

Regular Attendance (over 90%)                 51%

Irregular Absence     (80-90%)                   20%

Moderate Absence   (70-80%)                   11%

Chronic Absence      (less than 70%)          19%

We would like to see this improve for 2025 and have set a target of 70% of students attending regularly.

Every day matters! 

What’s happening?

Term 1

Weekly Events

Tuesday: Kapa Haka 11:00, Sailing

Wednesday: Swimming 12:00-3:00

Thursday: Garden to Table

Friday: Languages, Ko wai au

Upcoming Events for March

Week 5: Thursday 6 March 1pm School Assembly: Pipi

Week 6: Tuesday 11 March trip to Rangituhi: Whai & Pipi

Week 7: Thursday 20 March 1pm School Assembly: Kōwhai

Week 8: Tuesday 25 March 6pm Board of Trustees 


Welcome to



Te Awaroa

who have turned 5 and joined us here at school.



Recently we have installed another frosted pattern (this one inspired by Eh Christ, Thi Lo and Rayan) with designs that reflected their cultures.

Senior students are participating in weekly sessions with Cannons Creek Boxing Academy.

With so many hats going missing, getting lost in the playground, students have been learning some basic embroidery to personalise them.

Our garden is thriving and we have been harvesting kamokamo.

 Maths Achievement 

Our Mathematics data for 2024 showed 69% of our students reading at or above the curriculum level expected for their age this was up from 53% in 2023 so a significant 16% improvement. Also the first time in a number of years that our maths data has exceeded our reading data.

There continues to be a difference in maths achievement between girls and boys, 2024  saw 76% of our girls achieving at expectation while only 62% of boys were.

We will be aiming for continued progress in 2025, aiming to increase achievement to over 75%.

Whanau can support us in this goal by encouraging maths together at home, reading numbers on letter boxes and number plates, adding prices at the supermarket, reading the time, every bit helps.

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