Kia ora, Talofa Lava, Kia orana, Malo ni, Marhaba, Fakalofa atu, Bula, Mingalaba, Namaste, Nyob zoo, Vanakkam, Mga Pagbati
Kia ora
A big thanks to those whanau who came along for the senior trip to Rangituhi, we welcome parent involvement and engagement in school activities and some trips really can not happen without this support.
We are planning for a fun whanau afternoon next Tuesday afternoon, March 25 2:30-4:00pm. A chance to have a good look in your child’s classroom, chat to their teacher, sausage sizzle, sign up for HERO and go in a prize draw for Pak’nSave vouchers.
Our HERO app is how we share both notices and student learning so it is very important that everyone has access so they can stay informed about both their child’s learning and upcoming events.
Katrina Day
All classes have swimming lessons on Wednesday afternoon. We consider this a vital skill for all Kiwi kids and an important part of our school curriculum. Please make sure your child comes with their togs and towel.
The junior classes would welcome any parent help so please see your child’s teacher if you have time available.
In 2024 our attendance data was
Regular Attendance (over 90%) 51%
Irregular Absence (80-90%) 20%
Moderate Absence (70-80%) 11%
Chronic Absence (less than 70%) 19%
We would like to see this improve for 2025 and have set a target of 70% of students attending regularly.
Every day matters!
Term 1
Weekly Events
Tuesday: Kapa Haka 11:00, Sailing
Wednesday: Swimming 12:00-3:00
Thursday: Garden to Table
Friday: Languages, Ko wai au
Upcoming Events for March
Week 7: Thursday 20 March 1pm School Assembly: Kōwhai
Week 8: Tuesday 25 March Whanau Afternoon 2:30-4:00
Week 9: Tuesday 1 April Bee Healthy Dental Van on site
Week 10: Tuesday 8 April Board of Trustees Meeting
Friday 11 April last day of term
Welcome to Kevin who has joined us from Colombia, Kingston and Loki from Birchville, Liaina from Titahi Bay, Carter from Tairangi and Kiszel who has returned after being at Ngati Toa School.
Just yesterday our students participated in “Hooked on Cricket” a cricket event hosted by the Wellington Firebirds at Te Rauparaha Arena. Was great to hear that our students in particular were noted for their sportsmanship and positive participation.
Our Writing data for 2024 showed 59% of our students writing at or above the curriculum level expected for their age, this was down slightly from 61% in 2023 so a drop of 2%.
Writing achievement also shows the most significant difference between girls and boys, 2024 saw 73% of our girls achieving at expectation while only 48% of boys were.
We will be aiming to increase achievement in 2025 to over 60% for all learners.
Whanau can support us in this goal by encouraging writing together at home, shopping lists, labels for household items, learning to spell the names of all family members, keeping a basic diary, every bit helps.